Bird watching is a great activity you can do indoors and on your short walks during the lockdown. Download and print out our sheet to help you learn about a few common birds seen all over the country. Tick the box when you think you’ve spotted one. Back garden bird watching sheet
10 Quotes About Dealing With Crisis
Times of crisis are difficult. There are all kinds of crises that people can experience throughout their life, some are personal while others affect a large number of people. Here are ten quotes from people speaking about different crises. 1 “I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be […]
Isolation and Wellbeing
With the closure of schools, colleges, public facilities, businesses, we are all understandably feeling a little overwhelmed. Some people might be feeling the pressure more than others. You may know some friends that are experiencing mild anxiety, while others may be feeling completely helpless. Many won’t be assuming any stress at all. So, we must […]
JC and LC Timetables
Take a look at the timetables below and familiarise yourself with the dates and times that are relevant to you. ________________________________________________________ To help with studying for your exams, see our Revise Wise series on